Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Moving to a new Dream Home....

i have a time today... all the task n assgn has been done... wut else? waiting for my staf to complete a draf for meeting on the next week.. i want to post something in my blog since i dont do it in Oktober... dunno wut to write.. so decide to write something abt my new house... This house has been bought at the end of the year 2006... that means, nearly 2 yrs ago... not a fancy n big house actually,.. but enough space for my family... i move there on 15 November 2008.. eventhough i live in a kondo for org miskin before..(flat lar tuhh) i dun expected my things will be that many... 1 lorry 3 tonne + 2 vans... huiyooo.. penat nak packing n bring it down.. luckily several of my mates come n lend their hands.... that's wut friends sound of.. hehhehe. Moving isn't something easy to do n need more money than i expected... it's cost me more than 5k.. damn!! I just move n brings only old things.. not shop anything.. started clean and arrange the house,, but with limited time that i have,,, nothing much that i can do.. last week tanam rumput in my lawn.. but i relieved i have my own home now eventhough i dun have a fancy car.. kehkehkeh. tadaaaa... MY SWEET HOME.

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